Friday, May 2, 2014

Ice Breakers

Do you cringe when you hear the word “icebreaker”? Does it make you think of touchy-feely silly games that force people to talk to each other? Do you do them at every women’s groups or do you only do an icebreaker at your kickoffs? And do you recognize the value of icebreakers at your own chapel groups?

At my chapel group, we do some kind of icebreaker at almost every meeting. Even when it is the same group of women each week it is important to start out with an icebreaker type activity to help the group open up and talk with each other. And sometimes when we have a new member, it’s a good idea to have an icebreaker discussion question on hand to give her a chance to get to know the group as well.

Icebreakers help us to get to know each other, to relax the women in the group so they are comfortable with sharing with each other and help us to build a community with each other. In our group we usually have each person introduce themselves and then share the answer to a pre-chosen question. It is always amazing to find out interesting things about the women we’ve been going to church with and studying the Word of God with each week.
Some of my favorite discussion starters are the following:

What is something that no one in this group knows about you?
How did you and your spouse meet?
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
How would you react in an emergency situation?

Peruse the internet and you’ll find other great icebreaker activities. I googled “Christian women’s icebreaker activities” and below are some that I found interesting and some that I’ve done before and would recommend.

The "I Am Blessed" Christian ice breaker game, suggested by the website Any Occasion Free Christian Game, has women discuss the blessings that they have received from God. An easy way to begin this ice breaker activity is to refer to a Bible passage mentioning blessings, such as Deuteronomy 28:2, which states that "all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee." Write "I am blessed because" on a white board or piece of paper and allow each woman in the group to complete the phrase. Then read all the blessings together.
Two Truths and a Lie
This is a classic ice breaker activity that can be given a Christian spin. Gather the women in a comfortable place, such as sitting in a circle, and instruct each woman to prepare three statements, one which is a lie and two which are true. These can be blessings or facts such as "I became Christian in the year 1990." Each person must say each statement to the group so that the other women can try to determine which statement is false. The group must come to a decision together before the current player reveals the truth.

From: Women's Christian Ice Breaker Activities |

“We Are Similar” Icebreaker Game
Before the meeting, write the following sentence across the top of a dry erase board, chalk board or large sheet of paper:
“______ and I are similar because we…”
Then list a few of following sample similarities below the sentence:
• Are from the same home state
• Laugh the same way
• Like the same book or type of books
• Drive the same type of vehicle
• Have the same favorite color
• Like the same dessert
• Have the same color of eyes
• Wear the same style of shoes
• Have the same number of siblings
• Have been married the same number of years
• Have the same hobby
• Have the same middle initial
• Have the same number of children (including zero)
• Work at the same type of job
• Have children the same ages
• Like the same kind of sandwich

As the ladies enter, give each person an index card and a pencil. When everyone has arrived, say: “Choose a person you do not know well, and write on your card that person’s first name and at least five similarities you share. I’ve listed sample similarities on this poster, but you aren’t limited just these.”
Allow people five minutes to complete their lists and to chat with their partners. Then say: “Now find someone else you do not know well and use the other side of your card to repeat the process with that person. “
After another five minutes, ask people to introduce their two partners by name and to list their similarities. In this way, the group will hear from two different perspective views (Ten things about each person).

The Penny Game
Each person takes a coin or penny from their purse and then shares something that happened to them the year that penny was coined. This might take some pre-planning because you’ll want to make sure to find pennies or coins that were minted after when the majority of the women in your group were born.

Good luck getting to know each other and getting to know each other all over again! Icebreakers might just be that extra spark you need to revitalize your group.

Share some of your favorite ice breaker ideas in the comments below! I'd love hear your successes!

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