Monday, February 17, 2014

I Have a Lot to Say, It seems

I've been around awhile. As an Army wife that is. And in the beginning of my Army wife life, I worked. And then our daughter came and I just really did not want to work anymore and leave my baby with someone else to take care of during the day. So, my job became full-time mom. And for awhile that was and still is the best job in the world. But with an Army dude husband and the unpredictable home life that comes with that, I was going a little stir-crazy. So, one day a friend suggested a home-based business. Just something to get me out of the house for a little bit and maybe even bring in a little bit of income. I sold kitchen tools and I loved it. And I did pretty well. And then the Army moved us to Germany. And our base did not allow home-based businesses. And there were more Army spouses than there were available jobs. So, I became a volunteer. A perpetual volunteer, it seems. And after 12 years of volunteering, heading up committees, organizing large-scale fundraisers, camping and leading young ladies through badges, teaching young minds about their faith and teaching and learning with like-minded women about my faith it seems I have a lot to say. It seems. And now it seems that it is a good time for me to let some of these up and coming young younger army wives take over some of these leadership reins. I still have a lot to say though. This blog will be an attempt to share the lessons I've learned over the years. I hope to share about some of the really cool stuff I've done. I plan to share about my experiences with the various Spouses Clubs, with my women's faith group, with leading girls in Girl Scouts, volunteering with schools. I've made a career out of being a perpetual volunteer. I hope you learn a little something.

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